Recent Posts
- Cancan – Rock version – Zoom G5n – DooDad
- These boots… (Version 2015)
- Sleazeball solo
- Henky Backer guitar solo 1989 Karregat
- Radetzky March – Rock guitar version
- Radetzky March – Steel string acoustic guitar country version
- DooDad Fashion Guitar & Boss GT-100 v2 / GT-001 EVH Brown sound
- These Boots…
- Henky Backer – Saturated | AcmeBarGig Head Case demo
- Henky Backer – Recharge | Zoom G3v2 / G5
- Zoom G5 clean tone echo tricks demo
- Zoom G5 high gain/chorus/harmonizer metal shred tone demo
- Ibby Gibby Dance
- French Guitar Contest
- Zoom G3 demo Chevelle – Face To The Floor
Recent Comments
- Nando on Zoom G5 clean tone echo tricks demo
- David L. on How the Ibanez Moderne became my number 1 guitar
- Eric Guicherit on Looping makes the world go round (track sequencer guide)
- Sonja on The hidden output of the Zoom R8 (and R24)
- Don Yarosz on The hidden output of the Zoom R8 (and R24)
Author Archives: Henky
Ears Of The Devil
Dutch instructional movie about the danger of loud noise, made on behalf of the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment.
How the Ibanez Moderne became my number 1 guitar
As a little kid I used to look through the window of this huge guitarstore in my hometown and you could see hundreds of guitar hanging on the wall. One day I told my mother when I was gazing through … Continue reading
Goosebump Blues – Zoom G3 tube amp simulation
Zoom advertises the following: Evolution of tube amp simulation. A newly developed sigmoid curve clipper re-creates the smooth clipping of a tube amplifier’s waveform. With its faithful tube distortion, G3 can simulate amplifier sounds, including clean, crunch and full-gain tones … Continue reading
Zoom G3 demo Boston Smokin guitar cover
Trying to recreate the 76 Boston sound with a Zoom G3. Backingtrack used has absolutely no guitar on it, you can find it here: http://www.guitarbackingtrack.com/play/boston/smokin_(3).htm Patch: SLOT 1: Graphic EQ 160Hz = -6 400Hz = 8 800Hz = 12 3.2kHz … Continue reading
Looping makes the world go round (track sequencer guide)
This guide is not on how to create loops or how to program drum patterns, it’s on how to use the track sequencer and building a song with the 500 MB of drum loops from Big Fish Audio that come … Continue reading
Me and my virtual friend doing an in depth review of the R8
OK, here i am already owning a bunch of multitrack recorders. And apart from the R8, i recently added a Boss BR-80 to my collection which has basically the same functionality as it’s also more or less a small “total … Continue reading
Zoom G3 High Gain Metal tone
My attempt to get a Dimebag Darrell like ‘scooped’ tone out of a Zoom G3 Guitar Effects and Amp Simulator: Zoom G3 [www.zoom.co.jp] DAW: Cubase 6 [www.steinberg.net] Drum sampler: Metalheads EZX [www.toontrack.com] Bass sampler: Trilian [www.spectrasonics.net] Guitars recorded directly via … Continue reading